Rainbow 🌈 Mind Map of flower


 Rainbow🌈mind map of flower

Introduction: The flower is that part of a plant which contains the reproductive organs. The main function of a flower is to produce fruits and seeds 

Importance: The fruit forms from flowers.so, we can say that flower is the main part that is involved in sexual reproduction of a plants

Life stages of a plant 

Structure of flower 

MAINS parts

Main parts are:
1.Protective part- Calyx combination of green colours simple protect bud in the beginning stage ofdevelopment.

Attractive part-Corolla consists of colourful petals to attract pollinators.

Reproductive parts:- 
1. Androecium- male reproductive part

2. Gynoecium- Female. reproductive part

Types of flowers- 1. Unisexual flower- has any one reproductive organ 
2. Bisexual flower has both reproductive organs. 

Interesting facts:- 1. Night blooming flowers are often more fragrant than day blooming counterparts so that pollinators must find them in the dark.
2. Day blooming flowers are more colourful as compared to night blooming flowers usually white in colour to attract pollinators.

Seeds and fruits-In the process Fertilisation, pollen grains and ovules fuse together forming zygote. Zygote develops into an embryo. The fertilised ovule develops to seeds and ovary changes to fruit.

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